Wie ist denn die Lage bei einem Oberliga Spieler mit DEL 2 Förderlizenz. Darf er für beide Mannschaften in den Play offs eingesetzt werden wenn er schon die geforderten 10 Spiele für den DEL 2 Verein absolviert hat?
Gibt es überhaupt einen Oberliga Spieler mit DEL2 Föli, der DEL2 gespielt hat? Der wäre doch in der Oberliga ein Leistungsträger den kein Verein abgeben würde.
Der Spieler Florian Kraus von den Hannover Indians hat am Sonntag mit dem Indians den Einzug in die Play offs geschafft und stand gestern Abend bei den Kassel Huskies auf dem Eis. Darf er theoretisch für beide Teams spielen? Angenommen die Indians fliegen gegen Herne raus , aber Kassel geht in die nächste Runde...
Meine Frage:
Darf ein Spieler mit doppelter Staatsbürgerschaft eine Förderlizenz erhalten wenn er das Alterskriterium besteht?
Meine Frage:
Darf ein Spieler mit doppelter Staatsbürgerschaft eine Förderlizenz erhalten wenn er das Alterskriterium besteht?
ich meine nur wenn er für die deutsche Nationalmannschaft spielberechtigt ist.
Meine Frage:
Darf ein Spieler mit doppelter Staatsbürgerschaft eine Förderlizenz erhalten wenn er das Alterskriterium besteht?
Wenn er für die Teams des DEB spielberechtigt ist, dann darf er auch eine FL erhalten. -
Und das ist wann?
Wenn ich für keinen anderen Verband Länderspiele bestritten habe?
Der DEB gibt in seiner Vorlage folgende Voraussetzungen an:
ZitatDer o.g. Spieler erfüllt die folgenden Voraussetzungen:
Der Spieler ist deutscher Staatsbürger
Der Spieler ist gemäß den Bestimmungen der IIHF für die deutsche Nationalmannschaft
spielberechtig (gem. IIHF ByLaws Artikel 406)
Der Spieler ist Jahrgang 1994 oder jünger (gültig für die Saison 2017/2018)
IIHF ByLaws Artikel 406
Player Eligibility Rules for Participation in IIHF Championships and Olympic Competitions It is the objective of the IIHF that national teams competing in IIHF championships shall reflect the
status and standard of the sport as currently played by both citizens of and citizens in the country concerned and to protect the integrity of international competition.
Only players meeting the following qualification requirements can participate in the IIHF Championships, the Olympic Competition and in the qualifications to these Competitions:
Each player must be under the jurisdiction of a Member National Association of the IIHF and be a citizen of the country he represents. The player must properly complete and sign the IIHF Player Entry Form which must also be completed and countersigned by his Member National Association which shall at all times be responsible for the player’s eligibility.
The player must submit (a) his signed Player Entry Form and (b) his national passport which is valid for the duration of the event and which must confirm that he is a citizen of the country he represents.
Once a player has represented a country in any IIHF championship, or in the Olympic competition or in the qualification to these competitions he will not be eligible to represent another country excepting that he may apply to the IIHF to represent another country provided thata) he is a citizen of that country;
b) he has an international transfer that was approved by the IIHF and dated at least four years before the start of the IIHF competition in which he wishes to participate;
c) he has participated, on a consistent basis, for at least four consecutive years (1460 days) in the national competitions of his new country during which period he has neither transferred to another country nor played ice hockey for a team registered/located within any other country: andd) he has not played for his previous country in an IIHF competition either during this four year period or between completion of this four-year period and the start of the IIHF championship he wishes to compete.
A player who has represented a country in any IIHF championship, Olympic competition or in the qualifications to these competitions and has later acquired another citizenship shall still be eligible to represent his old country provided he is still a citizen of that country.
If a country or part of it becomes independent, or if a country or part of it becomes incorporated into another country, or if two or more countries are united into a new country, or if a country is divided into more countries, a player who has already represented a country and whose citizenship was thus changed by decision of the state authorities, may apply to the IIHF to play for any one of the partitioned or united countries without a waiting period subject to his providing proof of his new citizenship. This particular choice may only be made once and is final and irrevocable.
When a player has changed his citizenship or has acquired or surrendered another citizenship and wants to participate for the first time in an IIHF championship and/or an Olympic competition
or in qualifications to these competitions, then in order to play for his country of current citizenship he must:a) prove that he has participated on a consistent basis, for at least two consecutive hockey seasons and 16 consecutive months (480 days) after his 10th birthday in the national competitions of and having resided in his new country during which period he has neither transferred to another country nor played ice hockey for a team registered/located within any other country;
b) if the country of his choice is one to which the player has transferred then he must have had an international transfer that was approved by the IIHF and dated at least 16 months (480 days)
prior to his proposed participation.
When a player has multiple citizenships where the relevant citizenships are for countries of Member National Associations and he has never represented any country in any IIHF championship or an Olympic competition or in qualifications to these competitions, then in order to play for the country of his choice he must:
a) prove that he has participated on a consistent basis, for at least two consecutive hockey seasons and 16 consecutive months (480 days) after his 10th birthday in the national competitions of and
having resided in the country that he wishes to represent during which period he has neither transferred to another country nor played ice hockey for a team registered/located within any other country; and b) if the country of his choice is one to which the player has transferred then he must have had an international transfer that was approved by the IIHF and dated at least 16 months (480 days)
prior to his proposed participation.
In the case of Female Hockey, the eligibility requirement described in 1.6 and 1.7 of this By-Law will be met if a player has participated on a consistent basis for at least one (1) hockey season in the competitions of the Member National Association (MNA) of that country, and was a member of that MNA for at least twelve (12) consecutive months during that period.
When a player wishes to establish his eligibility under subsections 1.3 through 1.7, the Member National Association for which he wishes to play must submit an application to the IIHF together with all relating evidence at the latest four weeks before the competition or game in which the player wishes to play. The General Secretary is responsible for investigating the application and confirming the player’s eligibility to play for the country concerned. Notwithstanding the above, the decision of the General Secretary is not conclusive proof of the eligibility of the player to play for the country concerned.1.10
Cases involving exceptional circumstances can be submitted to Council for a Council exception. All other IIHF eligibility decisions can be appealed to the IIHF Disciplinary Board within 7 days of the IIHF eligibility notification in accordance with the Disciplinary Code.
Players of non-member organizations who participate in competitions of the IIHF including Olympic competitions and in qualifications to these competitions must, for the period of these events, be under the control and management of the respective Member National Association and be eligible in accordance with the applicable criteria to compete. When competing in the above specified competitions, these players are subject to the same conditions as other players and to the disciplinary procedures of the IIHF.2.
The player and the Member National Association registering a player for an IIHF championship, Olympic competition or qualification to these competitions are at all times fully responsible for the player’s eligibility with all the disciplinary consequences for the Member National Association and the player:
If the ineligibility of one or more players is proved during a championship then the games played by the team with an ineligible player shall be forfeited and the ineligible player dismissed from the tournament. In exceptional circumstances, the Directorate may vary the application of this clause in the best interests of the competition applying the principle that the team at fault should not take benefit of any ranking and with the objective not to disadvantage, even indirectly, other teams taking part in the competition. Any decision taken by the Directorate in this respect shall not be regarded as a precedent.
If the ineligibility is proved after the championship and before the following Semi-annual Congress, the team with the ineligible player shall be disqualified.
If the ineligibility is proved after the next championship, the team with the ineligible player shall be deleted from the relevant championship rankings and its results annulled and the correct ranking established.
An ineligible player is not qualified for any award. The case of ineligibility will be investigated by the Disciplinary Committee for a disciplinary action against the player and possible further action against the Member National Association. Where the effect of any of the above measures has resulted in a change in the rankings following the completion of the championship, awards and payments shall be adjusted accordingly.
Eligibility to play for a country in IIHF inline competitions does not constitute eligibility of the player to play for this country in IIHF ice hockey competitions unless the player has fulfilled the applicable eligibility criteria.4.
Eligibility of a player to participate in any IIHF competition is subject to all provisions of the IIHF Statutes and Bylaws, specifically including but not limited to, the player not being suspended by the IIHF, his Member National Association, or a non-affiliated organisation if recognized by the IIHF at the time of the respective IIHF competition
in accordance with Bylaw 1103. -
Sind ab dieser Saison wieder Förderlizenzen für zwei Ligen erlaubt?
Vincent Hessler z.B. taucht im Kader der Eisbären (DEL), Lausitzer Füchse (DEL2) und HH Crocodiles (OLN) auf.
Sind ab dieser Saison wieder Förderlizenzen für zwei Ligen erlaubt?
Vincent Hessler z.B. taucht im Kader der Eisbären (DEL), Lausitzer Füchse (DEL2) und HH Crocodiles (OLN) auf.
...so was in der Art wird hier in dem Bericht bezüglich unserer FöLis auch angedeutet. ?
Zitat: "Wolfsburgs Eric Valentin und Valentin Busch starten in Kassel, auch Alexander Karachun und Torwart Mirko Davi sollen nicht nur zwischen Kassel und Wolfsburg wechseln, sondern auch mit Kassels weiteren Oberliga-Kooperationspartnern Hannover Indians und Harzer Falken Braunlage."
Da soll noch einer durchblicken... ?♀️
Suchfunktion bemüht, nichts passendes (aktuelles) gefunden.
Schaufel aus dem Keller geholt und diesen uralten Thread ausgebuddelt.
Crimmitschau (und Mannheim) werben damit, dass Florian Mnich mit einer Förderlizenz für die Eispiraten auflaufen wird.
Mnich ist am 14.01.2000 geboren.
Ist der überhaupt noch FL-"fähig"? War der Stichtag für die Erteilung einer FL für diese Saison nicht der 01.01.2001? Die "U24" Regelung (die bei Goalies ja im Grunde eine "U26" ist) hat darauf keinen Einfluss. Oder etwa doch? -
Vielleicht Torwart ??
Nein, dürfte laut Spielordnung keine FL bekommen. Ausnahmen für Torhüter sind da nicht vorgesehen.
Nein, dürfte laut Spielordnung keine FL bekommen. Ausnahmen für Torhüter sind da nicht vorgesehen.
Hier mal die Spielordnung:https://www.del-2.org/media/regeln/s…_del2_24_25.pdf
Hinsichtlich Spielerlizenzen sind wichtig die §§ 18 und 24, wobei 18 den Spielberichtsbogen und 24 die FöLi-Bestimmungen regelt.
§24 Absatz 6 - Torhüter (U26!), Absatz 7 -Feldspieler (U21) und Absatz 8 -Feldspieler (U24). Damit sollte ein U26-Torhüter fölifähig sein.
Hat sich ja eh erledigt da er ausgeliehen wird. Denke mal das läuft auf einen Wechsel hinaus.
Wobei siehe oben die Regelung mit Torhüter..
Diese Saison gilt auf jeden Fall ja bei Förderlizenzen U24 - wird vor 31.12. laufendes Jahr nicht 25
Nächste Saison wird dann auf U23 abgesenkt
Hier mal die Spielordnung:https://www.del-2.org/media/regeln/s…_del2_24_25.pdf
Hinsichtlich Spielerlizenzen sind wichtig die §§ 18 und 24, wobei 18 den Spielberichtsbogen und 24 die FöLi-Bestimmungen regelt.
§24 Absatz 6 - Torhüter (U26!), Absatz 7 -Feldspieler (U21) und Absatz 8 -Feldspieler (U24). Damit sollte ein U26-Torhüter fölifähig sein.
Bei der Anzahl der Spieler auf dem Spielbericht zählt ein U26-Torhüter zwar als U24-Spieler - FL-berechtigt ist er aber nicht.
Lizenzierung ist jetzt auch durch, die Lizenznummer ist EPC24046 - somit normal als U-Spieler ohne FL lizenziert (FL-Spieler haben 2408x).
Zur Info:
2400x - Imports
24Fxx - Fördervertragsspieler
2402x, 2403x - Reguläre Lizenzen (Ü24)
2404x, 2405x - U24 (Torhüter: U26)
2406x, 2407x - FL DEL2 <-> OL/DNL/LEV
2408x, 2409x - FL DEL2 <-> DEL -